Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 12 --- Drink, drink, and drink...

It was okay day. I haven't had any bad nose bleed. Since I washed my nose with NetiPot, my stuffy nose improved. Only problem I've had last couple of days is dizziness. When I walk around, I feel weak, and needed to sit down. Normally I'm pretty active, never describe myself as "weak".

I think that's because of how much I've been eating (drinking). I don't necessarily feel hungry. So sometimes I go a few hours without drinking anything. It is hard for me to keep drink and drink and drink, even though I could drink whatever.

Today, I went out with family for dinner. Of course, I ordered soup. Unfortunately, they only had Tomato soup. Well, I don't recommend anyone for Tomato soup. First of all, it will stain your rubber bands. The second, the one I had was pretty thick which I couldn't drink. My mouth is still shut. The doctor loosened up tiny bit, but all I could try was to stick my tongue out a little between my bite, which wasn't enough to pour my soup in. After some trial, my jaw started to hurt, or got tired of trying.

Before my surgery, I thought this drinking habit wouldn't be any problem. But I started to wonder if there is any local medical service that provide IV therapy. I know I should just keep drinking whatever, but it would be nice if they just give me IV for an hour and I feel much better.

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