I mentioned that now I could eat soft food, right? Well, it wasn't as easy as I imagined. Without front two rubber bands, I could open my mouth a bit wider, but not that wide. So I actually cannot really put anything in it. I could slide in spoon like I drink soup. I tried small pancake first. After a few bite, my jaw were too tired to try anymore. My upper jaw inside the mouth is still numb. So in a way, I don't taste anything really. I was disappointed about eating, and went back to my shakes. After trying a few times, I bit myself way in the back. I think that's where my other rubber bands are. Once you bit it, you keep biting it. So now it hurts and bothers me. I'm getting tired of usual shakes and soup. I have to find something to make me feel better.
The other thing I notice is that after I eat or try to eat something, my throat get swollen. Sometimes that leads to my ear plugged up. Maybe I have to eat very very slow, or very very little at a time.
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