Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 90 (3 months) --- Orthodontic Dentist App

I had another orthodontic dentist appointment today. I was almost hoping to take out braces. Not because it solved the problem, but I was getting tired of it. I'm tired of wearing braces, I'm tired of thinking my jaw is tilted. I'm tired of why this is happening to me.

But unfortunately, it didn't happen. The dentist said it is improving a tiny bit, but not perfect. I was wondering in my head, "forget about being perfect. It won't happen." He said "I'm not worried about now or couple weeks from now, I'm worried about 2 years from now." Well, that doesn't sound good. The thing is, even we made some improvement, there is not guarantee that will stay that way. It already moved. There is a possibility of moving even more for worse.

What we did today was add another rubber band to pull straight down. So right now, I have two rubber bands that pulling one to the side, and one to straight down. I can feel a little pressure on my teeth. So hopefully this will improve some, so I could be done with it.

The truth is, my jaw is still tilted. It is very unfortunate. Maybe I pushed too hard to brush my teeth after a few weeks. I don't know. Only it is not as obvious as before, or so it seems. Maybe I just getting used to what looks like. Here is a picture I took today.

If you see the other picture, probably the wire line is getting a tiny bit even. 
I just want to believe so. Another three weeks, then he'll check again. 
I guess I'm not in a hurry, so see how this goes. The dentist comment, 
"if we pray really hard, that side might come down to make it even." 
Okay, let's pray now :) 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 82 --- Changes in bites

I'm not sure if my tilted jaw is moving or not. But I can feel something is changing. My bite on the right side is very tight, almost grinding teeth together. And now I feel left side is getting close to bottom teeth. I don't see diagonal line in my front teeth. So in a way, I'm happy that my tilted jaw isn't so obvious. At the same time, I'm not quite comfortable eating with these bites. I feel sore to eat. I don't know that's because my braces are too close to my cheek and bothering, or the bites. I will have my dentist appointment in a week. Maybe he could tell me what's going on.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 75 --- Adjusting Relapse

It's been a week since dentist visit. I'm not sure if rubber bands are working or not. However, I don't see too much diagonal line of two front teeth anymore. If I see it closely, I can still see right side is lower than the left. But the gap between the teeth might have been slightly smaller. I don't know hot the "right bite" feels like since I have never had one. How I feel is that right side I feel upper teeth and lower teeth touching. The left side, some of teeth are touching but not as tight as the right side. One thing I wonder is that my teeth on the left started scratching inside the mouth and kind of painful. It wasn't like that before. Does that mean my teeth are moving? My jaw is morning, too? It doesn't look like, but if that's the case, even though it will be impossible to be back to where they were right after the surgery, they might settle where I could tolerate. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 70 --- Jaw Relapse

Continued from yesterday. I've been wearing the rubber bands hoping this gap will close and bring the left side down so the angle of jaw will be straight. I think it is moving tiny bit. Because I could feel left side teeth are closer to the bottom teeth when I close my bite. The question is, how much this will move, and how long do I have to do this?

I think why this happened could be many factors, but probably my own fault. I started eating more or less around 33 days. That was only 4 weeks. I don't know why I didn't think that could mess up things. At that time, probably #1, I was getting tired of liquid diet. #2, when I was with someone, didn't want them to feel bad, so pretended I could eat normal, #3, jaw surgery in my head was DONE thing, and I didn't imagine whatever I was doing could affect it. Stupid!!!

If I only waited for couple more weeks! I spent all the time energy and money plus my family's help,
I totally messed that up! There is not many people like me is that no one is as stupid as I was.. that's what I feel.

How the normal bite feels like? Are those teeth (upper and lower) touching when closed?
My right side is touching, and my left started touching since rubber band. But my bottom teeth feel sore
because of it. I don't know if I could bite anything, or chew anything. Since my bite changed, I almost don't know how to chew! It feels different. Also taste different. Inside mouth (upper side) is still numb. When I eat something, it taste almost like metallic taste. My ear seemed to be improved. But sometimes, I still feel lightly plugged.

What I have been eating is.. nothing special and nothing THAT hard. Probably french fries were the hardest food I have eaten in this two months.

I browse around the internet to find if anyone had relapse problems. There were a few, very rare.
I also found some people still have different problems like sinus and so on. Thinking about having other problems, I definitely not want to go back to the second surgery. So at the end, I will probably just give up and take whatever it is.

One of my friends said the funny thing... "Refund! Refund!" it would be nice when something didn't go the way it should be, and they refund money like any other business... I will take that happily :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 69 (10 weeks) --- "yes, jaw slid" the dentist said

I had an appointment with orthodontic dentist. I told him my concerned about tilted jaw, and yes. He confirmed. Well, yes, I was right, but then what can we do???

1. Rubber bands. Hoping the jaw moves back. Well it's already two and a half months past (that's 10 weeks!) The chance of my jaw moving back to where supposed to be is slim.

2. Another surgery.
I don't want that. But he said that might be the only way. Shifting happening to the jaw, not teeth.

Possible reason why that happened.
While healing, I must have moved too much. The orthodontic dentist pointed out the rubber bands to shut the jaw together after surgery is the wrong procedure, although all dental surgeons do. Because as lower jaw moves, upper jaw moves. Upper jaw needed to heal without bothered. And if let both jaws free, lower jaw won't affect upper jaw as much which will let that to heal in the right way.

I understand the logic, but it's too late. What can we do? Is my question.
Things are healing up. He said still healing, things could move.

They said this is very rare and almost never happens. Didn't I tell you I'm always 1 % of unlucky mistakes doctors every make?

I didn't take many picture early days, so much to compare, but I just found the one 
I took at the dentist's office when he told me to take off the braces and told me 
my bites were perfect. That was September 11. Almost month ago. 
At that time, I was still wearing rubber bands. 
So it looks like I found out right after I took off all the rubber bands. 
(only a few days laterfrom dentist visit). And the bottom picture is today. 
You can see rubber bands going across to the back. I'm really hoping this will work. 

I also checked what I have been eating. I haven't eaten anything really hard, 
because I just couldn't. One thing I wonder is.. ever since non of my bite 
doesn't bite together, I was eating left side of my mouth. I actually never used the 
other side. Now that's the side bite doesn't go together (going up), and the other side 
is coming down. I wonder if this tilt is something to do with how I eat? 
Then even things are fixed, that could happen at the any time... 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 66 --- surgeon visit

I just wanted his opinion before taking out braces. But I didn't have guts to ask "did you screw up?" it is obvious now that's not straight. He confirmed one side had tighter bite than the other and the gap between upper teeth and lower teeth are not even. But what he said was that the rest was orthodontic dentist's job. And he cannot say if the dentist could fix it or not. Hey, that means he knows that's the jaw. Because if that's the teeth, he could say "ortho dentist should fix that". The fact that he doesn't want to say is that he knows he cannot fix. Hummmmm.

I'm really disappointed the result. The next Tuesday, my orthodontic dentist is planning to take off my braces. It seems to me that they just want to get rid of me before I find further problems. I will have to tell him that I'm not happy. And ask if anything he can do to tweak it.

Why I'm always 1% that rare mistake the doctors make? My husband said that I should play lottery, I may have a better odds.