Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 90 (3 months) --- Orthodontic Dentist App

I had another orthodontic dentist appointment today. I was almost hoping to take out braces. Not because it solved the problem, but I was getting tired of it. I'm tired of wearing braces, I'm tired of thinking my jaw is tilted. I'm tired of why this is happening to me.

But unfortunately, it didn't happen. The dentist said it is improving a tiny bit, but not perfect. I was wondering in my head, "forget about being perfect. It won't happen." He said "I'm not worried about now or couple weeks from now, I'm worried about 2 years from now." Well, that doesn't sound good. The thing is, even we made some improvement, there is not guarantee that will stay that way. It already moved. There is a possibility of moving even more for worse.

What we did today was add another rubber band to pull straight down. So right now, I have two rubber bands that pulling one to the side, and one to straight down. I can feel a little pressure on my teeth. So hopefully this will improve some, so I could be done with it.

The truth is, my jaw is still tilted. It is very unfortunate. Maybe I pushed too hard to brush my teeth after a few weeks. I don't know. Only it is not as obvious as before, or so it seems. Maybe I just getting used to what looks like. Here is a picture I took today.

If you see the other picture, probably the wire line is getting a tiny bit even. 
I just want to believe so. Another three weeks, then he'll check again. 
I guess I'm not in a hurry, so see how this goes. The dentist comment, 
"if we pray really hard, that side might come down to make it even." 
Okay, let's pray now :) 

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